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Meet Our Experts

At CVB, LLC we have a team of experts who are passionate about providing the best guidance and support in veterinary biologics regulation. Our culture and work philosophy are centered around our commitment to excellence and our customers.


Dr. Dusek gained research and development experience working in the veterinary biologics industry for seven years in the development of vaccines prior to joining the Center for Veterinary Biologics (CVB) as a reviewer in 2000. He retired from CVB in 2016 as a Senior Staff Microbiologist. Dr. Dusek developed expertise and provided leadership in development and implementation of policy as well as authoring guidance documents in a wide range of topics, including potency testing (in vitro and in vivo), reference qualification, biotechnology products, cancer products, regulatory jurisdiction, inactivation kinetics, contract testing, and production platform-based products. Dr. Dusek served as CVB's expert in detailed review of company submissions on these topics. His interest in the 3R's (reduce, refine, replace) contributed to his chairing the organizational committee for the 3R's meeting in 2004 launching CVB's policy of shifting the emphasis of potency testing from in vivo to in vitro.



Dr. Ludemann retired in December 2020 from the Center for Veterinary Biologics-Policy, Evaluation, and Licensing (CVB-PEL) as the Bacteriology Section Leader with over 32 years of experience regulating veterinary biologics in the U.S. He spent 13 years in the CVB laboratory intimately involved in testing and analyzing veterinary diagnostic test kits and virology vaccines, 12 years as a Reviewer with a focus on licensing and permitting test kits, and 7 years as Section Leader. Dr. Ludemann has extensive experience developing policy related to licensing and permitting veterinary vaccines and diagnostic test kits over the years. He has presented nationally and internationally on USDA policy on veterinary vaccines and test kits. He has experience in eradicating Foot and Mouth Disease from the United Kingdom, Virulent Newcastle disease from California, and Avian Influenza from the live bird market in New York city. He served as the CVB Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee chair for 10 years.



Dr. Ruby retired in 2021 from CVB as a Senior Staff Reviewer. He spent 11 years in the CVB Bacteriology laboratory where he developed in vitro assays (ELISAs) used by the biologics industry to potency test leptospiral fractions of biologics. He has 23+ years as a Senior Staff Reviewer and extensive experience reviewing protocols, reports, Outlines of Production, and other documents for licensure/permitting. Dr. Ruby has expertise in regulation of antivenin and allergenic products. He was responsible for publication of the Single Tier and recent labeling and packaging Final Rules in the Code of Federal Regulations in 2015. Dr. Ruby brings a wealth of regulatory expertise in all aspects of licensure/permitting of all product types and he has a solid background interacting with international regulators.



Dr. Schmitt retired in 2017 as Director of the National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL). She has almost 30 years of experience in veterinary diagnostics. Dr. Schmitt also served as President of the Biological Standards Commission of the Office des Epizooties (OIE) which is an international commission dedicated to the analysis and implementation of testing standards for the purpose of facilitating trade between member countries.



Dan Coyle retired in 2022 from CVB as the Compliance Section Leader with 36 years of experience in veterinary biologics. He has 12 years of experience in industry including quality control, vaccine development, scale up manufacturing, animal disease modeling, and manufacturing. Dan joined CVB in 1998 where he started as a Biologics Specialist in the Inspection and Compliance Unit. He was CVB Information Systems Security Officer, the National Centers for Animal Health Security Manager, and Section Leader for the Program Information Management and Security Section. In 2006 Dan became the Compliance Section Leader. He has spent over 24 years inspecting both domestic and international veterinary biological firms. Dan developed policy in USDA GMP, electronic record requirements, analyzing investigations to manufacturing deviations, and advertising compliance.



Bonnie Coyle retired in 2022 from CVB as the Program Information Management and Security (PIMS) Section Leader with over 33 years of experience in veterinary biologics. She spent 13 years as the CVB PIMS Section Leader. Bonnie served as a Program System Administrator regarding program information and functions on CVB electronic data systems. Bonnie has experience with international and domestic facilities inspection, market release, regulatory compliance, and export certification. She has accompanied foreign regulatory agencies during inspections of US manufacturing facilities. She spent 2 years as the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) Associate Coordinator. Additionally, she has over 10 years of industry experience as a project leader in research and development of veterinary biologics and pharmaceuticals.



Dr. Champ is a lead veterinary epidemiologist with a proven record of achievement in developing effective study designs and data analysis procedures which have consistently been applied effectively in attaining numerous U.S. and E.U. registrations of veterinary biologics. Strong experience and skills in developing biostatistical methods which have been essential to product license defense efforts such as vaccine efficacy challenge studies, potency assay reference requalification, potency assay validation, bioequivalence demonstrations, statistical modeling and product stability studies and formulation optimization.

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