Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Iowa State University, Ames, IA
Masters of Science Bacteriology North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND
Bachelor of Science Biology Minnesota State University-Moorhead, Moorhead, MN
January 2021 - current
January 2014 - December 2020
April 2001 - January 2014
September 1988 - April 2001
May 1987 - September 1988
May 1979 - August 1983
Consultants for Veterinary Biologics, LLC USA
Assist clients making regulatory submissions to the USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics.
USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics-Policy, Evaluation, and Licensing (CVB-PEL)
Bacteriology Section Leader
First line supervisor for 6-7 review staff, 2 support staff, and 9-10 laboratory staff. Reviewed daily, response letters written by reviewers to veterinary biologics regulated firms for consistency with CVB policy related to bacterial products and veterinary diagnostic test kits. Oversaw laboratory prelicense and postlicense testing on Master Seed Bacteria, bacterial products, and diagnostic test kits. The laboratory also produced standardized reagents for the domestic and international veterinary biologics industry.
USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics-Policy, Evaluation, and Licensing (CVB-PEL)
Veterinary Medical Officer (VMO) - Reviewer
Reviewed, coordinated statistical review, and wrote response letters to assigned veterinary biologics regulated firm submissions. During this time, I was considered the primary diagnostic test kit reviewer for submissions to CVB-PEL. I was responsible for licensing the first BSE and TB diagnostic test kits including several different test kit platforms such as lateral flow, PCR, and allowing pooling of test samples. Wrote and rewrote diagnostic test kit guideline documents especially Veterinary Services Memorandum 800.73. Presented the diagnostic test kit lecture at the Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologics (IICAB) annual training from 2002 - 2019. Extensive experience developing policy related to licensing and permitting veterinary vaccines and diagnostic test kits over the years. Presented nationally and internationally on USDA policy on veterinary vaccines and test kits. Experience in eradicating Foot and Mouth Disease from the United Kingdom in 2001, Virulent Newcastle disease from California in 2002, and Avian Influenza from the live bird market in New York City in the mid- 2000. Served as the CVB Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee chair for 10 years.
USDA Center for Veterinary Biologics-Virology Laboratory
Veterinary Medical Officer
Oversaw prelicense and postlicense laboratory testing of viral vaccines (including rabies vaccines), Master Seed Viruses, and diagnostic test kits. Produced viral reagents for the domestic and international veterinary biologics industry and developed a Bovine Diarrhea Virus ELISA in vitro potency assay.
Equine Medical Center, Lakeville, MN
Provided medical services to equine and small animal clients. Responsible for developing an in-house laboratory to serve our clients. Served 2 years as an on-call veterinarian at the Minnesota State Fair, St. Paul, MN.
North Dakota State Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Fargo, ND
Virology Laboratory Technician
Conducted virus isolation, serum neutralization, agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID), fluorescent antibody testing on samples submitted to the diagnostic laboratory. Produced viral testing reagents. Developed an AGID in-house test for Ovine Progressive Pneumonia virus.